Posts Tagged ‘crossfit workout’

Crossfit Invite September Fittest Man in Ireland

September 19, 2010

Crossfit held their invite again yesterday and for anyone that was there I think they just keep getting better every time.

The invite gives everyone at every level a chance to push their body to a new level and be competitive regarless of the outcome. The event looks to create a competition that tests many aspects of fitness (which is so hard to define) and I truly think this event did a great job at achieving this goal.

The events (just going to list the weights at the mens weights as the ladies did lift a little lighter just in case you were worried reading it) were as follows –

Event 1 (a two parter)

A) 5 rounds for time of 5 bupree pullups, 7 push press/push jerks 60kg, 9 box hops ( I came third in this by 8secs – 6.48mins). I knew it was unlikely I would win this event but wanted to get in the top 3-4 places to get me off to a good start.

B) The second you finished this you had 2mins to establish a 1rep max in a power clean – I opened with 100kg which I have done tired for reps for at least 2 months now and then jumped to 115kg which was a personal best for me even if it looked ugly as my heart rate was still pounding from the pervious event. I took first in this event and was quite pleased with the win but know my cleans need wayyy more work so it’s more fluid.

Event 2 –

This was another couplet with the first part being –

A) 60kg overhead squats and ring dips for 21,5,9reps – I won this event with about 2mins between me and second place. It was a really really tough event for many and there were lots that used a lighter weight which was a wise choice. I find the ring dips quite handy and all the 40kg weighted ring dips I had been doing paid off as I powered through this event with some excellent coaching from my spotter Will – got way to casual on some of those overhead squats! If I wanted to win the competition I really had to burn up the competition on that event so delighted it all went well.

This is a photo of my final rep in the last set and I was just feeling so stong I even paused at the bottom for a casual photo (well I did work my ass off on overhead squats and shoulder work in the last 3months).

B) 20secs after that event you had to run 400m as fast as possible.  Because I was quite strong on the ring dips and knowing my time would be quicker than most by quite some distance I had time to change out of the olympic lifting shoes and into a nice light pair of Nike lunar racers which are super for sprints.

Super light and fast

The run was the event I really wanted to win the most as I knew by winning it it would give me a nice cushion on points going into the last event. It was a 200m out and back with the out being slightly uphill so I decided to put the foot down on the way out knowing that the way back would force me to maintain speed. I got 1mins 4 secs for that event which gave me a 40 point pretty much uncatchable lead going into the final event which was about 2hrs later in the day.

Got to love ring dips

Event 3 –

The final event was 10 squat cleans 60kg, 20 wall balls to a 11-12ft high gurder (really accurate throwing necessary) and 30 kettlebell swings (24kg) x 3 rounds

This event was really frustrating for everyone as hitting the dam gurder with an 8kg ball was bloody hard when your legs and arms are screaming in pain.

So all i have to do is squat, throw the ball, hit the gurder then catch the ball - yes 20 times

I was chasing James (the guy in second place overall going into the final event) all the way on this event and it came down to a neck and neck race to the finish on the kettlebell swings. He was well into his round of 30reps before I got started and I decided to pick the bell up, close my eyes and just go for it. I got all 30reps done in a row on that final round but got beaten by a single second in the end.

Just keep swinging and do not stop

It was a great battle to the finish and it had everyone on their feet going crazy. Here is a video on that last event.

One of the single best aspects of crossfit is the camaraderie at every single level of ability and I think this photo says it all when the top two guys can finish an event and want to congratulate each other. A true example of the spirit of competition.

"Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow". ~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros

I walked away the champion again this time but know I have more work to do and honestly am inspired to get better by my wife and daughter, the people I see that work so hard every week in the workouts that take place around me in and in the one-to-one/group sessions I do with my own clients. Thanks for all your support, your effort and I will continue to raise the bar in the future.

What up shirt off!

Oh and one more thing watch this video its just so funny – what up shirt off is the new catch phrase.

Running bench

February 19, 2010

Feeling good I was today (nice coffee before the session helped) so I did this workout before my first clients of the day.

Start with a 2km run (obviously as quick as possible)

Move quickly on to bench press and do 100reps with a weight that is 2/3 of your body weight. if this seems too much then scale to 1/2 body weight or even press ups (which i did with a female client of mine no problem).

The trick here is that you must do 15 squats for every break you have to take – easy enough to spot on the bench press but make sure you are honest is doing press ups (chest MUST touch the floor).

oh and then finish with another 2km run!

Simple and easy to do from home or with very limited equipment. Guaranteed mega calorie burn and the chest muscles will certainly feel it the next day.

Mine was a 8.30min on first 2km and 7.58mins on last 2km and 28.40mins total time. Looks simple enough on paper so go give it a try pleeeease.

3,2,1 go!! and no giving me crap about the music