5 ways to faster workout recovery.

Yesterday I was put through my paces in www.crossfit.ie and we did crossfit Angie –

100 pull ups

100 press ups

100 sit ups

100 squats

 This is a video I found of a guy doing it in 17.29mins.

I had never actually done this workout even though I have done variations of this a number of times. Going into this I considered doing 100 chest to bar pull ups but thought better of it when I saw the group that went before me working their socks off to just get through the 100. Well, that and some of the guys were talking about doing it in under 17mins!

I have to say the atmosphere on the Saturday sessions at www.crossfit.ie is always excellent and you really should drop by just to even watch and chat for a while to the guys as you could learn lots.

Usually before I start any of the workouts I am chatting and just having a laugh but when there is only 1-2mins before it kicks off I get fairly quite and focus on the job ahead. I knew I could hit the 100 pull ups in under 5.30mins and was happy to see 4.30mins coming off the bar after getting all 100 out of the way.

The press ups were a total mare though! I was down to 4-5reps per effort after just 20reps and just had to grind it through. After that the sit ups and squats are just a mental mind game of pushing through and sucking up the pain. It is here that you have to man up and stop taking so many breaks as most should really be able to get all 100 of both with few breaks. It’s only muscular pain so just get on it and do not walk away thinking you could have taken less breaks – well that works for me! The reps that hurt (muscular hurt NOT injury hurt) are the productive ones so bring the pain and get comfortable with it.

Wrapped it up in 15.39mins which I was happy with and I must say one of the guys from crossfit (the Great Tony) made some flapjacks with 85% dark choc that would rival my best attempts. My ones are below –

So getting back to the point of the title. I woke up today feeling stiff as a board in the upper body and what follows are my tips on quicker recovery rates because you are only as good as how quick you can recover. What I mean by this is that there is no point in just being able to put in 1-2 hard sessions per week and then being so stiff that you either can’t do more sessions or can’t put in optimal effort into extra sessions.

1. Foam roll – for the love of god if you are not foam rolling yet complain about feeling stiff and sore from a session then you really need  a good kick in the butt. Foam rolling will help massage out those stiff muscles and combine this with stretching so you are ready to rock the next day. I get a good deep tissue massage from a physical therapist once a month as the foam rolling can only get you so far. This video will help if you are new to foam rolling –

2. Cool off – icing affected areas can also help as this can decrease the swelling which causes the pain from hard weights sessions or tough runs etc. I find jumping into the plunge pool at my gym for 30-60secs done 3 times really speeds my recovery. I must say if this is not possible I also take a bath with epsom salts (get a 1kg tub from any pharmacy) and use 2 cup fulls. Epsom salts contain loads of magnesium that is absorbed through the skin. Magnesium helps promote the healing of torn muscles.

Home ice bath - curse words required

Home ice bath - curse words required

3 + 4 . Supplements + Juicing – my fave for quicker recovery are fish oils, glutamine and plenty of antioxidants (lots of damaging free radicals released in tough workouts). I take the fish oil intake to at least 10g/day and 20g+ of glutamine on the day and the day after a particulalry hard session. Both can speed recovery due to their anti-inflammatory and increased protein synthesis respectively.  For anti-oxidants I just juice more on recovery days.

Not this kind of disgusting steroid juicing!

Not this kind of disgusting steroid juicing!

I just take more juices using a mix of fruit and veg. Personal fave is celery, cucumber (mainly all of these), ginger, lemon and some carrot – a green godess!

The number one juicer doing a green godess

The number one juicer doing a green godess

I have been making juices regularly for over 10 years with my greenstar juicer. A total work horse and massively recommended. These juices are packed with antioxidants and I always take more when recovery from workouts or illness is needed. Juices are light on the digestive system and are such an easy way to get way more veg in your diet.

5. Take a day off – trying to push through workouts when you should be recovering is a recipe for disaster and a guarantee for injuries and burn out. As I always say when you are at a good level of training sometimes the hardest session to do is the one where you have to take a day off. No taking a day off (which I did today) does not mean do nothing. I foam rolled and stretched at least 3 times today (5mins each time) and have been out walking with my daughter most of the day. Movement and stretching help lots so incorporate them into days off. When taking the day off keep reminding yourself of how much better you are going to perform in the NEXT session. If you are not doing this regularly yet keep picking up injuries or your performance in workouts is decreasing then you really need to listen up. I see way too many people adding too much to their training programs rather than just doing what is important and getting the hell out of the gym or where ever you train. Remember that workout I did was less than 16mins and there was no way I was doing anything after!

This workout is perfect for home sessions as you can just do another back exercise (band pulls, inverted rows, one arm rows – but with more reps) or some burpees (50reps should do it) instead of the pull ups. Let me know how it goes for you and any other tips you have for quicker recovery.

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4 Responses to “5 ways to faster workout recovery.”

  1. JOhn Fitz Says:

    Have you a flapjack receipe ?

  2. JOhn Fitz Says:

    Can’t complain with that !

  3. Competition Training « Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] Recovery is massively overlooked by so many as there is no point in being able to put in 3-7 workouts for one week and then being so shattered you can’t train the following week. With that in mind please have a re-read of my article on increasing recovery if you want to know what I will be doing – https://thetransformationcatalyst.wordpress.com/2010/04/11/5-ways-to-faster-workout-recovery/ […]

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