Saying hello to Barbara

Yesterday I visited the great guys in for a workout and instead of doing their workout of the day (WOD) I was allowed to pick the session.

I went with crossfit barbara as its been a few months since doing it and wanted to make sure my form was up to the crossfit standards. It goes as follows –

20 pull ups (inverted rows if you need to scale)

30 press ups (chest touches floor)

40 sit ups (shoulders to touch knees if possible)

50 squats

all done for 5 rounds with a strict 3mins break between rounds. The first time I did this I went straight through the 5 rounds with no break – dying the next day!!

I plugged in the tunes, ramped it up to 11 and I must say who couldnt push hard when this killer tune is playing –

Myself, colm and tom blasted through the first round (got the first one in bang on 3mins) but every round there after was getting slower with the press ups taking for—-ever! Possibly due to all that benching the previous day and Colm noted that I am dropping my hips too much on my press ups – just me getting lazy as its been pointed out by my good friend Marco also.

I ended up doing a 32.01min time including all breaks. I have done it under 30mins before but I must say the chest to knees on the sit ups really slowed me down as I would normally not have come that high. On a plus note I got all the pull ups in every round as 20reps unbroken i.e. I did not have to come off the bar. Hands are a bit rough from that today though. I did not take any video but here is the guys at crossfit kalmar doing it well –

Certainly feeling it today and please remember if you want to give this a shot then aim for 3 rounds and keep a good range of motion on all exercises. Oh and I hope the guys at crossfit liked the flapjacks as they are my bribe to get to train with them in their great facility. Looking forward to the next time.

Oh 2 more vids of the world class Pat Barber doing the same workout in a crossfit gym in New Zealand and in a smoking time of 26.50mins – stunning!

And one by Bionic (possibly one of my fav crossfit competitors as his numbers are stunning!). Here he does the exact same workout in 30.05mins but doing chest to bar on the pull ups – totally hard core.

On a small point, they both hook their feet under a pair of dumbbells which might help me next time with speed as we did our unhooked and without the use of an ab mat.

Ok honest last one. I saw this video and would like to comment. Just watch the press ups and please note that he never once touches the floor with his chest (pause it any time to see as its miles from the floor).

 Head dropping too much and like for me hips dropping too much (BUT I made sure I touched chest off floor on ever rep). Obviously I think this is wrong and watch bionic and pat do the press ups – chest on floor or it does not count.

Secondly, on his sit ups he is using his hands to pull at his legs to get up on almost all reps – fail!! Not allowed. Squats are spot on though.

i suppose what I am saying is standardize the movements. I have first hand experience with this in crossfit competitions as you get away with nothing and since that I have become massively aware of making sure I use full range on all exercises so when I post a time or workout it has been done correctly.

Hope this helps and I am going back to eating right now – one of those days where I just can’t eat enough!

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8 Responses to “Saying hello to Barbara”

  1. Marco Says:

    I’d imagine that it was a combination of the elbows to knees and the effects of the strength session. I say this because the last time we did the full 5 rounds you got through it in 28 low, so I imagine the extra range on sit ups takes, A time and B maybe extra effort. I have been considering the sit up point for a while now. I see benefits of both elbows to knees and regular ones where the shoulders come from being on the ground up as far as it takes until the lower back is off the ground.
    However I question the impact of the potential jerking at the higher intensity and say rounds 4-5 of Barbara of elbows to knees, I just wonder could this cause an unwelcome pull in the back, which in my opinion is probably the worst place to get injured aside from your neck.

    Barbara is a great workout, especially when you are pissed off, and to be honest I prefer the no breaks one we did, I just have this doubt about the elbow to knees, which undoubtebly is harder, but if injury becomes a potential factor I personally would prefer to stay to the classic situp version. In my opinion it is just a more natural movement. What do you think?

    • Dominic Munnelly Says:

      the sit up thing is a standard so you have to play by the rules and just keep the form right and i find it grand really. Also, on the sit ups its actually shoudlers to knees and not elbows to knees ala the old school way with hands hooked behind the head – terribe method!!

      Also, check out the video i posted with pat barber doing it in NZ and watch the way he uses a towel to form an ab mat like in this video explained – this could help in a massive way.

      All of the above will help as well as doing plenty of hanging knees to elbows to build up ab strength. I personally do not think anyone has good ab strength unless he/she can do one hanging straight leg raise i.e. start from a dead hang and with legs totally straight pull toes to the bar/hands. Of course you build to this and far better than doing endless crunches that some people do (of course none of MY clients do this!)

  2. Anna Says:

    SO what’s the girls version?!!

    • Dominic Munnelly Says:

      look at the pat barber video and there is a girl doing it beside him – exact same workout!!!
      Now if you cant do pull ups do inverted rows and do press ups on the knees if you need to – chest to touch floor
      Post up your time when you do it as it would be good to she what a TOP TOP level dancer can do!

  3. Colm Says:

    Always a pleasure to have you out Dominic! I’m not a massive fan of long workouts but I’m glad I did this. I knew it was going to be hell as I’d been on low to nil carbs for the day or two leading up to this, with the exception of 3/4 of a flapjack from the man himself!

    Round 1 was fine enough, Round 2 I felt sluggish. Round 3 I got a bad headache (I just having been drinking enough water) but my Mikko Salo came back. I didn’t get upset at anything, just chipped away at the next rep, taking as little a break as I could.

    Push ups are a nasty exercise to do right, and watch anyone fatigue and their form will go. Here’s two good vids I’ve dug up on

    In fact, I’m going to post them up on now.

  4. Anna Says:

    Ok so I did it in 18mins 13secs.

    However, I did a girl version of inverted rows and did push ups on the knees (which still kill btw!). I took about 20/30 sec break in between instead of 3mins. Thinking back – I wasn’t always thinking about chest to floor and when I did, I felt it – so that may have slowed me down too had I been constantly thinking about it. Push ups are definitely the tough part though.

    My hat goes off to all you men though – there is NO WAY i could do it with chin ups.

    P.S. just to clarify….(!) not been dancing for a few months ‘cos am doing this play – delighted to have all these workouts to try keep up the fitness.

    • Dominic Munnelly Says:

      Thats a super time but i would question your ability to go back into it with only a 30sec break – you should NEED the 3mins or you could be going far quicker. You also need to standardize the movement on all exercises – inverted rows the chest must touch bar or rings, press ups chest MUST touch floor, sit ups i go for chest or upper body touches legs, squats below parallel.

      I hope all is going well with the play and you are keeping the diet on track over there in London also.

      Keep up the great sessions and remember to try some of the older workouts also

  5. Crossfit Barbara « Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] I finished it in 28.46mins this is a 2.14min improvement on my last attempt on Feb 25th this year. […]

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