Posts Tagged ‘women deadlifting’

This is why you are out of shape Part 3

February 17, 2010

I have been taking lots of video of clients recently and was just too busy to post it so I got a few mins spare this evening to post up a few and hope it inspires you.

I am always banging on about the importance of getting stronger if you want to look and feel your very best so here are a number of videos showing some of my female clients in action. It’s great to see the girls lifting well as it not only shows other women who may be reluctant to use heavier weights what they should aspire to but it sreams at the guys “the girl is stronger than you so stop being so bloody lazy!”

First up is the amazing Brenda deadlifting 62.5kg (i actually think it was 65kg!) and with near perfect form while making it look easy.

Note the back is straight and hips/shoulders moving at same speed.

Next up is the always up for a challenge Grainne. Here grainne needs to work on a tighter arch in the lower back as she is using the lower back to do too much of the work. Note how she drives the hips up too early and uses more of a ‘grip it and rip’ it approach! Now she is plenty strong but just needs to work the form more to ensure she does not injure herself and we discussed this at length – the whole reason why I video clients so much.

Nest up is the returning Aisling (I have not seen her for a few weeks so she was back for a new program) who pulls a 40kg deadlift in her first ever attempt. This is a really good start and I use steps to deadlift from as the 10kg plates are too small and do not want her deadlifting too low as I find that when people do this they tend to lose the arch in the lower back and that opens up the chance of injury.

She then goes on to hit a few pull ups which she has been able to do for a while now and that alone is impressive in itself.

All the girls train hard, they do not spend endless hours in the gym, maintain a good diet (at times not great but mostly good) and as you can see are all in great shape and feel super.

My job as a trainer is to progress them on through their training so they get stronger and fitter. The drop in body fat that they all wanted or still want will come as a direct result of the quality of their diet and the quality of their training. Are deadlifts important – you better believe it! So use good form and its a skill you will use for the rest of your life. They do not leave their program design to chance and kind of do what comes to mind and neither should you if you want to look and feel your best.

deadlifting is used daily

deadlifting is used daily

Hope the girls show you what it means to train with weights properly and why if you are wondering your weights program is not delivering results its quite possible the effort is not being put in or the program is not worth the paper its written on in the first place.