Posts Tagged ‘cluizel’

There are no secrets why you’re overweight

December 6, 2009

Dublin city centre is quite possibly the best place in the country to do a bit of people watching and as I was stuck in heavy traffic in town today that’s exactly what I did.

My work involves inspiring people to make changes to their life so they can feel and look better and I have been doing this quite successfully for over 10 years now. So please keep this in mind (I have seen and heard it all!) as I ramble on here as some of what I have to say can come across quite harsh.

As we passed through town I was struck by the amount of overweight and obese people. Every week there are more studies showing obesity is increasing but I personally find the reality hits home much more when you are watching the swarming crowds doing their xmas shopping. It’ was amazing how many of the overweight people were eating (mostly junk food and soft drinks) yet these very same people would likely swear to you that they do not eat very much. The simple reality is that to become and stay overweight or worse obese you need to eat a ton of food.

I have had clients come to me that write down their food on paper and see where they are going wrong and others who do this simple exercise yet deny they are eating too much or can’t cut back because they will be A) too hungry (eat more good protein and good fats and you will feel less hungry) or B) like their food too much. Would there be less heart attacks, less cancer, reduced diabetes levels and lower health care costs if everyone had say a stone or two of fat to hump around all day?

I was chatting to a doctor two weeks ago and this very topic came up. He said that in years to come he expects people to be given priority treatment if they adhere to the advice given but will be put to the end of the que if not. This will be caused by the expected overwhelming increase in obesity and the related complications that will force doctors to help the people that can be helped rather than the ones who refuse to help themselves.

Getting back to an excuse people have given me regarding weight loss – “oh I love my food too much to cut out xyz”. Well if you “loved” your food so much why do you gorge on it so quickly, eat like there is a famine imminent, never truly TASTE the food and then ask for more? I have eaten out with clients before and for the ones that struggle with their weight it was an eye opener – eating way too fast and eating absolutely everything that was put in front of them. If you like your food so much then show it some appreciation by taking your time, leave food on your plate when needed and be happy to taste, enjoy and savour every bite – unless you are just after a workout and need to get your sugar levels back up! For me, I love great coffee and dark chocolate – both of which I have my wife to thank for as I was a bit monk-like before we met.

Coffee and chocolate - yummmmm!

 Do I like to sit down and eat 10 of these stunning and mad expensive chocolates and drink four cups of great coffee from ? NO! I am happy to have 1-2 chocolates and one good coffee a day. If you ever have the opportunity to eat in a Michelin star restaurant you will see first hand that the portions are NOT massive, there is a sense of reverence about the food presented and they want you to really taste their creations. I had such an opportunity this year in San Sabastian in Spain my wife and I visited a 3 Michelin star restaurant- it would be complete madness to lash the food and drink down as you would have missed the whole experience Juan Mari Arzak (head chef) wanted you to taste.

Getting back on track  – corect me if I am wrong but next time you order a coffee or are in a local shop please check out the person who is quite overweight ordering the grande latte or buying the 3-4 bars of cheap chocolate (which is not actually choc at all – it’s sugar, vegetable oil and a tiny amount of choc). Is it any secret why they are overweight? Are these indulgences every now and again or are they every feckin’ day and for some all day every day. Are you sitting at home doing this more often than not?

So what am I trying to say? Well I suppose it saddens me to see so many people becoming overweight and obese and I feel I am just one person trying to plug a hole in the dam. So it’s really up to you to make those changes in your life to lead a healthier and quite possibly a happier life. Live my the mantra of “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” Got that one from the great Brian Tracy –

In order to do that I truly think that the first thing you must do is to slow down when you eat, enjoy your food (even if it’s junk food), recognise when you are full by tasting every bite and leave the some bloody food on your plate when needed. This is made easier when you are eating food that is nutritious, healthy and filling.

Let me know your thoughts by adding in a comment or mail me at – pass this article on to someone you know who needs to read it.