The Ultimate Fat Burning Home Workout Plan – Part 1 of 4

I have been training clients for over 10years now and started my fitness career working as the fitness director for a large commercial gym. However, over the past 2-3 years I am working with an ever increasing number of clients that are moving away from the normal model of joining a gym becuase they –

A) Hate training in gyms

B) Can’t stand training in a gym where there is poor instruction and paying for services they never use i.e. squash, spa, showers etc

B) Want to set up a workout program at home

C) Want short 10-20mins workouts that they can do at home that deliver results (drop fat and get fit – DFGF)

In the past I would have liked all my clients to maintain a gym membership while training with me but as each month passes I am strongly encouraging all clients to stop their gym membership and set up a training system at home with minimal equipment. Do you really want to continue training in a gym that charges €500 plus per year when all you use are the dumbbells, some cardio piece and the showers? If your primary goal is to DFGF I know that using and of my effective weights programs at home with minimal equipment. lots of variety and incorparating movements that give you the biggest bang for your buck. We are NOT talking about doing home workout DVD’s, using super light bands and water bottles as resistance – that sort of approach will produce minimal results and we are looking for maximum results in less time to transform your body.

I'm sorry but she did not get in good shape lifting those tiny dumbbells and neither will you!!

I know the majority of clients that I deal with have the following targets –

1. To drop body fat

2. To increase fitness

3. To increase strength

4. To become more flexible and mobile

I do still deal a lot with guys that want to gain lean muscle (if you want to gain maximum muscle click on this article ) some top level athletes (I am back working with scholarship students in a top Dublin University again this month) and guys/girls that want to increase sports performance or take their fitness to the next level having already achieved a really good base. However, recognise that the majority of people want to GFDF and to be able to hit the goals above in as short a time as possible.

So if your primary goal is to drop fat, get fit, become more flexible/mobile, have more energy and to look and feel great then this series of articles is for you. If you are a top level trainer or athlete and need help in taking you to the next level and you are NOT doing everything that is listed then you really need to take a reality check as what I will lay out are the basics for you and the hard stuff for the average person. This can all be done at home or in a gym (I know you gym goers still need lots of help with proper training also) if you wish.


Part 1 – In all sessions I do with clients I want to assess their range of motion in all joints to see where they have limitations as the last thing I want to do is try to put function on top of disfunction. For example, if a client presents with really tight hips, weak glutes and poor shoulder mobility it would be a really really bad idea to get him/her to do movements where they are showing further disfunction e.g. they squat and their knees keep falling inwards or lots of press ups or bench press for already tight shoudlers and pecs. Remember get your body to function properly and the movements recommended will be easier and put you at less risk of injury. The key here is to –

A) check your standards of flexibility in this video.

B) Foam roll tight areas – here is some videos on foam rolling various joints. Don’t get too bogged down in this, just have a root around using a ball or roller and get in and work hard on the tight spots. The general idea here is you want to increase tissue quality.

General intro to foam rolling

How to pick the right foam roll

Shoulder rehab with rolling and stretching – almost everyone needs this!!

C) Strengthen weak areas – the most common issues I see are weak glutes and poor shoudler function. I can almost 100% guarantee if you are working at a desk or spending an hour plus per day driving then you need to start putting these movements into your program at the start of every session for 2-3mins.

Glute activation – pick one per session and rotate onto another in the following session. If you don’t have a band then get one asap

Three way glute exercise and glute stretch

Glute bridge – remember dig heel in and stop using your quads to lift up

X-band walks – as shown in this video at 3.45mins

Shoudler stability/strengthening – again pick one per session and rotate.

Band pulls – As shown at 2.35mins in the shoudler vid

Shoulder dislocates – should really be done in all sessions

Scap press ups – no equipment needed at all

Val slide/glider press ups – you can use even a pair or gloves for this or a towel so it slides easily.

At the start of any of the workouts I recommend it’s vital that you do just 4-5mins of foam rolling and strengthening of weak areas as listed above before each session. Doing all of this prepares you properly for the session and again helps to improve tissue quality, mobility, strengthens commonly weak areas and prevents avoidable injuries.

From there I recommend doing some dynamic stretching. There are so many variations you can use here and this is my choice as it again focuses on all the main areas. Dynamic stretching video . The purpose of this is to increase body temperature, improve mobility and generally prepare the body for exercise.

The workout.

I have labeled on my youtube account  (subscribe asapif you have not done so already) 20, yes 20 workouts that require minimal equipment and in the notes section of each video have listed how you can modify the movements if you do not have the equipment shown. However, I do think that if you are going to train from home then you MUST have the following –

A) Kettlebell (10-12kg for women, 20-24kg for men) is vital as you can use if for so many exercises. I do not recommend dumbbells as a first purchase as they take up too much space and are not essential kit. Order your kettlebell directly from me (which is cheaper) or order direct from

The great Lance Armstrong uses kettlebells in his home workouts and so should you


B) Foam roll, lacrosse ball and band – I have done an article on these essential pieces already here

C) a skipping rope – you can pick up one anywhere and really easy to get used to with some practice

D) A good mat – a good yoga mat will work fine

E) Non-essential kit – a TRX or Rings, Swiss ball and gliders/val slides. These are not essential but in time are worth buying so long as you have the space and will use them

This is a four part article so in this part I will cover 5 workouts that can be done in around 10-20mins or less. The goal here is to use short, intense, full body workouts to really ramp up the heart rate, increase strength and thus help burn fat and increase fitness. These are metcon (metabolic conditioning) type sessions that I have used in combination with strength focused sessions to successfully to help my clients strip away fat and boost energy levels.

Please remember to record and track the time each session takes or rounds completed so you can use them as a marker of improved performance. It’s like I always say, if performance is improving then you will look and feel better, but without increased performance nothing improves. These workouts are primarily aimed at the DFGF client as again many many people have this as a goal and need the structure on how to go about doing this.

I recommend doing the following five workouts over a 10-14 day period for beginners or over a 7-8 day period for those that have been working with weights already. The five workouts chosen have been picked as there is not too much repetition of the same movements e.g. not doing kettlebell swings or press ups  in each session. If you are unsure of the movements then you really need to book in for a one-to-one session with me so you can start making rapid progress on programs that get results in less time.

Workout 1 – Overhead lunge and Burpee session. Use no added weight on the lunges at first and swap press ups for burpees if you are really struggling on the burpees.

Workout 2 – Kettlebell swing and skipping ladder. As demonstrated by a client of mine that does lots of home workouts.

Workout 3 – Crossfit Cindy (, ). One of the best basic and highly effective workouts you can do. Start with 10mins, then 15mins and ideally a 20mins Crossfit Cindy for 15+ rounds is a great target

Workout 4 – Run and 3mins AMRAP (as many rounds as possible). If you can’t run then walk/jog the 400m!

Workout 5 – Deadlift and inverted row workout. You can simply deadlift your kettlebell or a single heavy dumbbell instead of the barbell deadlift if you do not have the weights. Just place the weight between the legs, squat to pick it up, stand, lower the weight and repeat. One arm rows instead of the inverted rows if you don’t have a TRX or rings to do the rows.

So there you have it. Five simple yet highly effective workouts that can be done with little or no equipment from home or in a gym if you still want to maintain your membership. I would also combine one of these workouts with some strength work e.g. pull ups, step ups, split squats, core work etc with my one-to-one clients but when you are stuck for time and want short, effective workouts then the above sessions should be your first choice.

If you are unsure on how to do many of the movements mentioned then I now suggest you book in for a one-to-one session asap as these exercises are really going to help transform your body and for some people that were previously doing lots of cardio to help them look betterm, this is going to deliver results faster and in less time.

Some of you that are reading this may have already done the workouts listed so here is your opportunity to get reminded on what actually works when your primary goal is DFGF. Also, it’s a great reason to now pass this article on to those you know would benefit from this info or NEED this info in one complete article. There is of course one caveat and that is none of this is going to make a massive difference to your body if you do not keep your diet on track. For that you need to read and watch my Fat Loss 101 article – it’s still one of the most read articles each month I have ever written.  

In part 2 I will plan out five more metcons/10-20mins workouts that deliver results fast and give you another block of 7-14 days of constantly varied workouts and to build on my plan to give you 20 different workouts that build into the ultimate fat burning, muscle toning training plan.

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15 Responses to “The Ultimate Fat Burning Home Workout Plan – Part 1 of 4”

  1. Ian Says:

    Awesome article. Will definately be changing my sessions up and taking inspiration from these metcons. Cant wait for the next installments. Thanks agains Mr Munnelly. Cant wait to get started.

  2. Brian Says:

    Great stuff. I’ve watched your videos but this was the first time I’ve seen anyone mention the knees falling inwards problem on squatting. This happens quite a lot to me and while it’s happening less frequently now, I was wondering if you have any further advice on this in particular. I’ve reduced the weight I’m squatting and I find this helps somewhat? Thanks.

    • Dominic Munnelly Says:

      You are very welcome and whats happening with the knees falling inwards is the glutes are not firing properly, adductors are weak and you are putting too much work on the lateral side of the quads (what i call quad dominance and its sooo common). To fix this do all the glute work listed, roll IT bands more, stretch legs more, do more single leg work being conscious of knee tracking and for the love of god drive the knees OUT whe squatting and squat down and back into the squat.
      Reducing the weight is NOT going to make a big difference as all you have done is cut the top off the weed (your probelm) and not delt with the root of the problem – do all that i have listed

  3. Brian Says:

    Awesome. Will get stuck into that tomorrow so. Thanks. for the reply.

  4. John Fitzpatrick Says:

    Great article Dom , really looking forward to the others,
    how does one buy a Kettlebell from you ?

    • Dominic Munnelly Says:

      You’re welcome and you can just email me what you want and i can see if i have it currently in stock or need to order it in. I typically work out €5 cheaper than buying it direct from buykettlebelldublin as I am buying in bulk. As mentioned I recommend most guys go for a 24kg bell and a 16kg bell would be a nice addition also

  5. The Ultimate Home Workout Fat Burning Plan Part 2 « Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] Transform's Personal Training Blog Helping you be the fittest and healthiest you have ever been « The Ultimate Fat Burning Home Workout Plan – Part 1 of 4 […]

  6. micheal o mahony Says:

    hey dom you should link these to your facebook like crossfit. that way you get more exposure = more customers. to anyone else reading and not client. he is twice as good in reality

    • Dominic Munnelly Says:

      Yes i thought i would do that but my current facebook account is for friends and family only – I am doing a whole redo on the blog and website over the coming weeks so will set up a fan page on facebook. so for the moment just link it on to your own facebook. The blog got over 13,000 views in october so i guess i must be doing something right and someone is reading!!

  7. Louise Says:

    Very nice Dominic!!! I only came across it from the “Part 2” email. I’m gonna have a proper read of it and try it out over the next few days!!

  8. The Ultimate Home Workout Fat Burning Plan Part 3 « Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] you have missed the essential reading in part 1 it is here – Home workout plan part 1 and building on from that is part 2 which is […]

  9. Stay at home workouts « Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] Ultimate home workouts 1 […]

  10. Stay at home workouts : Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] Ultimate home workouts 1 […]

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