Maximum Muscle Nutrition 101

Every client I work with that needs to gain muscle always asks the following question –

What should I eat?

This is a question I personally get asked all the time and especially from people that meet me in a gym or training situation. Only last week I was in the gym and a guy asked me if my diet was really good? My reply was – “Now man what do you think?” I mean come on, I do not make consistent progress in my training and stay in great shape by accident.

I am always looking to get stronger. Are you getting stronger on the compound lifts?

All of the clients that I have worked with that have gained significant amounts of muscle also have a great diet, they have a little of what they fancy now and again and when they are training they are always aiming to get stronger.

If you want to build serious muscle then you must do the big compound execises when training. You can forget about gaining muscle if you are not doing these exercises with progressive resistance. I have covered this before in a previous post which can be found here –

The purpose of this post is to cover the ‘what the hell am i supposed to eat’ part of gaining muscle. In the videos below I cover all the foods I recommend you have around you on a day to day basis to help you build muscle fast, minimise fat gain and boost energy and health levels.

Hey skinny eat more so you can keep up with me when doing overhead lunges

Hey skinny eat more so you can keep up with me when doing overhead lunges

Here is the first part and please note that there is lots mentioned in both videos and I really recommend watching them a few times and with a note pad to record all the items you will need to get.

Here is the second part and please watch to the end for some vital points to keep in mind

I really do see this post and both these videos as the cornerstone to building serious muscle and when applied consistently with a proper training program will produce impressive results.

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of just eating often and getting in plenty of calories. The only way to do this is through preperation of your food and getting your body used to taking in more calories than you are used to which can take a week or two. It must also be said that many of the people that claim they can’t gain muscle are too afraid of putting on a few pounds of fat in the process. For these people they will forever remain on the thin side as they are too in love with their six pack and will not knuckle down to some serious eating.

Here are a few links to what I mention in the video. and use my referral code for a discount on their products – MP236991. I really could not recommend them enough and they do everything from whey protein to fish oils and more beyond.

For the nut butters I really like – and all of these are available in health food shops and some supermarkets.

I couln’t say enough about the amazing biltong also – It is sooo handy for snacks and perfect for getting more protein into your diet. Oh and the boroewors are just amazing.

The perfect snack food pre bagging

The perfect snack food pre bagging

As I have mentioned before I get my fruit and veg from these guys

For the energy bars that are low carb and high in good fats and protein as featured in the video –

I really hope you apply all of this great info and hit the weights hard as I truly believe that with constant practice of all of the above anyone can turn from scrawny to brawny. Remember if anyone tells you they can’t gain muscle then mail this on to them, tell them to eat more and stop being a big girl and go lift some serious weights and stop playing with the light dumbbells and doing pumping exercises.

Squats are really that important

Squats are really that important

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5 Responses to “Maximum Muscle Nutrition 101”

  1. Nicole Says:

    Hey nice blog ill be sure to keep coming back to read some more.

    Come visit my blog too i got some neat tips all about diet and weight loss.

  2. Marco Says:

    Great videos and much needed ones too.

  3. Ex-Crunch Member Says:

    Hi Dom,

    Is it not time you finally splashed out on a t-shirt? 🙂

    In all fairness you have bulked up a bit since the crunch days.


    The Meteorologist

  4. The Ultimate Home Workout Fat Burning Plan Part 3 « Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] what and how to eat in order to get bigger, leaner and stronger then why haven’t you read my maximum muscle nutrition 101 article? Dominic mid-swing on the kettlebells – metcons have helped me get fitter, stonger and […]

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