How to pick the right runners for you

I was out in Bray (Wicklow) and decided to pop into which is just under the Peak Health gym in Bray. I had a good long walk on Bray head with my daughter and had to pick up a new pair of runners for a friend of mine.

Damien in Amphibian King has easily the best selection of runners I have ever seen and this is why I go back to him every time I need a new pair. He goes through a free foot type and running gait assessment, then selects a few types of shoes based on this which you then have to run around in to make sure you are happy with them. I think if you are into doing any kind of running or even walking you would be CRAZY not to get this done as you could be wearing the wrong shoes for you and causing injuries.

I ended up getting a super light pair of new balance shoes (very roomy in the front toe box) and a pair of mizuno wave creation for my mate. They also have a good selection of running and triathalon gear and plenty of the power gels, socks and heart rate monitors. My day to day running shoe that I would use for longer runs are Asics Nimbus and are consistently an excellent shoe for the normal to high arch runner but best to get tested to see which you are.

This is a quick and easy foot type test I do with clients but the guys in Amphibian king will do a more comprehensive job –

Super light and perfect for short, fast runs

Super light and perfect for short, fast runs

It amazes me that it can be quite hard to get a good pair of running shoes in dublin as most sports shops only stock the most basic of running shoes and focus mainly on fashion runners that are mostly terrible for any kind of running.

So there it is, get fitted properly to prevent injuries and get the most out of your interval or longer runs

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10 Responses to “How to pick the right runners for you”

  1. Aindreas Says:

    how much do they go for?

    Need to get myself a pair eventually.

  2. Dominic Munnelly Says:

    really depends on the shoe thats right for you but excpect at least €80+

  3. John FitzPatrick Says:

    Have a look at this and see what you think, its about barefoot running there
    is a school of thought that it reduces rick of injury.
    Also there is an emerging style of footwear to cater for this market and prevent cuts etc to the soles of your feet.

    • Dominic Munnelly Says:

      hey john,

      yes i have been reading and chatting to a few guys who use the vibram daily and I have to say they all love them. I just cant get around how silly they look and when i showed them to my wife I was told in no uncertain terms what she throught about them.
      overall, most people do need to walk about in their barefoot more and it would help with foot, calf and ankle injuries more also. Finally i am not a big fan of people buying crazy expensive orthotics when they do not address fundamental issues most people have with foot, ankle and calf flecibility. Oh and do not get me started on MBT type shoes and they ridiculous claims they make.

  4. Marco Says:

    Can’t believe you cheated, eben if just partially, on the Asics Nimbus, How could you?

  5. Marco Says:

    Sorry what I meant was, I thought you were an Asics Nimbus man for life.

  6. Dominic Munnelly Says: is another good shop based in dublin city centre

  7. Is running causing too many injuries? « Transform's Personal Training Blog Says:

    […] 6. Get shoes that fit – i covered this recently – […]

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